Efficiency of Smart AI-Based Voice Apps and Virtual Services Operating With Chatbots
The development of computer and information technologies contributed to technological advancement in artificial intelligence (AI) by introducing "smart" apps in modern smartphones and gadgets. The need to apply AI in smart apps is due to the excessive demand of users in solving their day-to-day tasks. Their effectiveness was assessed by analyzing the average statistics based on the nature of the information requested in seven blocks of questions. The study results showed that depending on the accuracy of the query formulated, the data processing to derive the results from smart apps can be very different. The analysis was based on four indicators: accuracy, conformity, non-specificity, and no-response. Another urgent issue is studying the operation of Siri and Google Assistant smart apps to assess the reliability compliance of data from requests and application development perspectives. The study objectives included: analyzing and studying AI and its different forms; collecting data on the everyday use of apps in modern smartphones and gadgets with voice support functions; investigating device compatibility with smart apps to analyze and evaluate usage efficiency; studying the dependency of smart apps usage in everyday life.
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