Experiential Marketing Tourism and Hospitality Tours Generation Hybrid Model
The emergence of immersive technologies presents unprecedented opportunities for both users and organizations. This paper explores the future of digital marketing as a new ecosystem wherein innovative marketing strategies enable organizations to communicate with their customer base in ways previously unattainable, reshaping traditional marketing concepts into novel and unimaginable actions. This study proposes an experiential marketing tourism and hospitality tours generation hybrid model. The model focuses on generating virtual tours based on 360° VR videos, specifically designed for hotel environments, their surroundings, and tourist zones. The immersive environment proposal includes the design of user interface prototypes and incorporates the automated division of 360° videos using convolutional neural networks. Subsequently, personalized tours are composed based on user profiles, utilizing a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). Functionality tests for the video division and labeling component, as well as the composition of tours according to user profiles recommended by the CBR, yielded satisfactory results. The application of this system has the potential to positively influence reservation intentions and enhance brand image. Immersive experiences have the capability to trigger effects in affective, attitudinal/behavioral, and cognitive dimensions.
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